The Flower Temple is lookin' mighty fine if I do say so myself, I'd crazy proud of this creation, and I'm not even finished with it yet!! I think I might have spent a little too much time on it though, got a bit carried away :x but its beautiful so that makes up for it. Anyway, here are a few shots of the temple in all its flowery-ness. :3
"Did the flowers sneeze?" "Eww no!!" |
"Oooo now that looks fancy!!" |
"Ohwww that looks amazing!!" (actual quote, yey!) |
(The picture really doesn't give you the idea of the full prettiness of this thing, but I don't want to post up an exact copy of it, for fear of it being stolen, I'm that proud of it.)
I am too proud of this piece, its all so pretty!! and completely unlike anything else I've designed. Of course I cant take full credit, the individual flowers are both Mine and Faye's work, and I'm hoping to get some more from Becky to finish off the gaps I've left for them. My favourite flowers are hanging over the door, the flowers are made of multicoloured feathers and really turned out well. really tropical and trippy looking., which is what I wanted for a suitably trippy piece of music. Hooray for colour!! :3
Questions? Comments? Think it needs any more wibbly-wobbliness? :3